上下兩條弧線呈現 日出 / 日落的〖 Moments 〗
工藝中心 / 樸實創意 / TAIWAN / 2022
黑生起司 HEY SHENG 以“捕捉旅行時的悸動時刻”作為設計概念,將美好畫面記憶聯結編織工藝技法,以『工藝化家具』塑形,藉由藝術美感自然融入日常生活場域,「Moments」造型以上下兩條弧線帶出日出/日落光景系列家飾。
黑生起司與編織工藝職人 糸赤 mee.tsu 薛珮妤 Paige 首次合作,以跳脫原材料色系、多層次色彩編排運用嘗試,搭配編織技法多層次的排列組合。黑生起司與編織工藝師 Paige 經多次設計共識討論後,搭配編織需求及挑選出適合色系,選用了台灣製車縫棉線,運用其韌性紮實、色系豐富的特點,以其做為織作的顏料,編織出色彩斑斕氛圍,加以織法連綿細緻,構成獨特的立體空間感,如此以線材調色,擬造光影意象編織成畫,結合燈組光源優美線條,將「Moments 」完美呈現。
〖 Moments 〗
HEY SHENG x mee.tsu
Using the design concept of "capturing the heart-pounding moments of travel," the beautiful memory has been linked to the weaving process, "crafted furniture" has been developed, and artistic beauty has been blended into daily life. Taken Taiwan-made cotton thread, which has the characteristics of firm tenacity and rich hues, to weave out a vibrant atmosphere and the image of light and shadow into a painting. "Moments," in conjunction with the magnificent lines of the light, has employed the top and lower arcs to perfectly bring out the sunrise and sunset landscape.
2022 台灣文博會 工藝館
▹ 主案單位| 國立台灣工藝研究發展中心
▹ 承辦單位| 臺灣工藝聯盟總會
▹ 策展人| 許哲瑜、郭中元
▹ 策展團隊| 樸實創意
▹ 視覺設計團隊| 中間研究室
▹ 08.05 - 08.14 | 10:00 - 18:00
▹ M4 #工藝館|#旅物SHOP
▹ 高雄流行音樂中心 海豚一館
Capture the heart-pounding moments of travel.
Connect with lovely #moments!
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