Ateliea Tea / TAIWAN / 2015
in the mix - Intergrading, Open a New Vision
The "mixing design" is developed from "mixing wine" and "brewing tea". Emerging action inertia and shaping context, the heights of utensils are corrected by forms (the items) and spaces (the capacities). And the visual arrangement is built by intergrading glass into purion material. The look is carved by the curve of a plant's growing. It brings the ""flowers, fruits, honey and aromas" of Formosa's "planting in spring, cultivating in summer, harvesting in autumn and storing in winter" to express the beauty of life's growing.

"Multimedia Interaction" plays the main role of 2015 Tea Party 2. We set the title as a buzzword "In the mix", and gathered 8 design team from different fields. A four-season cycling tea and wine salon which merged mixology, graphic art, interactive technology, digital audio, product design, furniture design, fashion and interior design has been created.

以「調酒」與「泡茶」發展出的「 混 」設計,融入操作的行為慣性與造型脈絡,從形(物件)、域(空 間)調整器皿高度,並由玻璃結合老岩泥材質創造出營造視覺層次,外觀刻畫植物從土竄生的線條紋路, 帶出屬於台灣春種、夏耘、秋收、冬藏四季的花、果、蜜、香,呈現生命綻放的美麗。
材質 - 玻璃|老岩泥 in the mix
輕脆通透,堅硬沉穩,堆疊轉換如四季,手感 生命紋樣從掌心孕育
《混得好 In the mix》為題,集結 8 項不同專業領域的設計團隊,融入調酒藝術、平面視覺、影 像互動、電子音域、產品設計、家具設計、時尚服裝、空間凝塑,打造四季輪轉的茶酒沙龍。
►Tea Party II 黑生起司《茶器設計》